Avenger's Endgame

[Spoilers for Avenger's Infinity Wars & Avenger's Endgame ahead] Avenger's Endgame was the pinnacle of the movie theater / tentpole IP experience. It was amazing to see this movie in theaters, surrounded by fans passionately reacting along with me to every minute and emotion. For three hours we cheered, cried, and enjoyed the culmination of so many Marvel movies. The posters and advertisements all said the release date for Avenger's Endgame was Friday, April 26, 2019. But with the weird way we're doing "midnight releases" now, that's not true. I saw Avenger's Endgame on Thursday, April 25, 2019. The "preview" showings started at 6:00pm that day. I remember seeing people snatch up tickets for opening weekend as soon as they were available for purchase. No one wanted to miss out, or hear spoilers. I bought my ticket soon after the floodgates opened one morning while at work on April 2, 2019. I bought a ticket to the "O...