Avenger's Endgame

[Spoilers for Avenger's Infinity Wars & Avenger's Endgame ahead]

Avenger's Endgame was the pinnacle of the movie theater / tentpole IP experience.

It was amazing to see this movie in theaters, surrounded by fans passionately reacting along with me to every minute and emotion. For three hours we cheered, cried, and enjoyed the culmination of so many Marvel movies.

The posters and advertisements all said the release date for Avenger's Endgame was Friday, April 26, 2019. But with the weird way we're doing "midnight releases" now, that's not true.

I saw Avenger's Endgame on Thursday, April 25, 2019. The "preview" showings started at 6:00pm that day.

I remember seeing people snatch up tickets for opening weekend as soon as they were available for purchase. No one wanted to miss out, or hear spoilers.

I bought my ticket soon after the floodgates opened one morning while at work on April 2, 2019. I bought a ticket to the "Opening Night Fan Event" showing of Avenger's Endgame. I was able to get a very good seat in the middle of the theater.

The benefits of the Opening Night Fan Event included, for $20:
- Ticket for a showing that starts an hour early at 5:00pm!
- Large Popcorn & Large Pop
- Collectible coin for commemoration (pictured below)

Avenger's Endgame Opening Night Fan Event Collectible Coin
Avenger's Endgame Opening Night Fan Event Collectible Coin, text side

Avenger's Endgame Opening Night Fan Event Collectible Coin, logo side

I think that coin is very cool. So between that and seeing the movie event of a lifetime an hour early with other passionate fans, I knew I needed to buy my ticket for the fan event.

The pop and popcorn were appreciated additions, but since the movie was 3 hours long, I couldn't partake in much of my Coke.

After over a week of hype and praise for the movie after its release, I received a message from my friend Bryce. He asked if our friend Brandon and I would like to go see Endgame with him.

He had seen some Marvel movies, but wasn't following along with all of them. After seeing it the first time, I thought that I'd like to see it again fairly soon. But it's a 3 hour movie.
I decided to see it again, but suggested an AMC theater, so that I could have the opportunity to buy one of these cool tin popcorn buckets I had seen advertised:

Avenger's Endgame - AMC Collectible Popcorn Tin Bucket
Avenger's Endgame Collectible Popcorn Tin Bucket

Avenger's Endgame was such a great movie. Marvel did a great job. It was very smart to use time travel as a mechanism to revisit old moments and scenes in the previous 21 movies.

And I loved seeing so many characters, basically every character from every Marvel movie, showing up in Endgame. And if not, showing up in Infinity War.
I wish I had seen Infinity War in theater, it sounds like that was a really intersting experience - watching the good guys lose. Walking out of the theater in a stunned daze.

I've been seeing every Marvel movie in theaters since Endgame. Too bad Phase 4 and Phase 5 haven't had team-ups and much in the way of fun or memborable movies.

I saw Spider-Man Far From Home in theaters as well, a couple months after Endgame. That was such a fun movie. I liked how Peter's supporting cast of classmates were prominently featured, and how the movie was a fun trip through Europe. It was overall a more fun and hopeful note of a movie for us to end on, as we awaited whatever came next in Phase 4.
