
Showing posts from 2023

Hello World

I'm creating this blog for the Krueger family. Currently just Michael and Jenna. I intend to use this space as a replacement for Twitter and other social media I used. Also as a journal. I'll share pictures from vacations and cool events I go to. I'll write little reviews on movies I see. I'm sure there will be too many food pictures & reviews from me as well. I'll also post about technology, IT networking and IT security, and general news as the mood strikes me. I'll share my impressions of video games I play, and post about cool Pokemon cards. I'd like to show off some of my TCG collection. Someday I'm sure I'll stop updating or maintaining this blog, maybe let the fun domain name go. So it goes.

Las Vegas

I recently had the opportunity to go to Las Vegas for a tech conference for work called Cisco Live. Hard to say no to a free flight and hotel and meals - on a trip to a fun destination. The conference itself was enormous. Thousands of people from all over the country, many from other parts of the world. Huge masses of people everywhere, especially the conference, but also Vegas itself. I went out every evening, trying to fit in as many interesting experiences as possible. My list of "want to do"s was pretty long, so I wasn't able to do everything. Fremont Street was interesting: Of course my first meal was from In-N-Out Burger. I've always heard about this place, but we don't have them where I live. "Double-Double Animal-Style" In-N-Out Burger Being a Coke lover, I went to the Coca-Cola Store. I was particularly interested in trying drinks from their concession counter: you can order a tray to sample 16 different Co...